This seems a great way to start a blog. I can help the world for my fellow citizen, netizen, blogee. I may or may not have many ideas to contribute, but the world got the way it is in quite a while, so give me some time. I only ask if you make money off of one of my ideas, you give me some.
At the moment, somewhere just beyond the trees that eclipse a view to the real world beyond them, some heavy machinery is building more of paradise, like it said in the development brochure. Every second or so, I hear the backup beeping of what must be many harnessed horsepower, placing architect whimsey here or there. The beeping is making me crazy. So I got to thinking - to make the world a better place, of course - why does it beep? To warn workers that they could lose that leg or whatever - I get that. But WHY BEEP? What if it was a nice voice (and since so many of the workers - all - are male - a nice FEMALE voice.) Instead of beeping, it should say YES! YES! YES! like Meg Ryan in that movie with Billy Crystal.
So there. My work for Friday is done.
Hey dude that was me in that movie.
I can't believe Billy Crystal would actually read this (as a matter of fact I can't believe anyone would FIND it except those few I told about it... but, correction made. Sorry to Billy. Wonderfully talented guy, as is Hanks.
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