Below, in another posting, Confessions of a Junkie, I describe my 5 TiVo box adventures.
Well, guess what? Number 5 is defective. So, tonight it goes back to Circuit City. I will exchange them forever till I get one that works properly. THIS one has audio that sounds like bad old tape - it warbles. If a bird, it'd be protected by the endangered species act.
So, let's see:
Box 1 and 2, in Minnesota, were sold as new, but weren't - bad retailer with a B in the name.
Box 3 worked for maybe two years till the modem died.
Box 4 worked about a year plus, and then the hard drive died.
Box 5 has bad audio out of the box.
And we're STILL addicted to TiVo? Yes indeed. It's that powerful.
You can buy "Lifetime" service for several hundred dollars; i.e. : program downloads. But they are for the lifetime of the BOX, not you. I don't do that.
Anybody want to start a pool? Which one will be the one that works?
You could say the world has pretty much gone that way.
Here's one - I send a Fedex box (ground) COLLECT/CERTIFIED FUNDS ONLY MADE OUT TO ME. It is picked up, a check is exchanged. Does Fedex Fedex it to me? Noooooooo. They use the mail. You know, the mail - with no tracking number. Do I have the check 6 days later? Noooooooo. Will I ever see it? Start the pool!
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