Thursday, June 23, 2005

Spinning the WEB

The Top Ten Ugly Home Theater Secrets revealed! That darn loud screaming headline kept me awake last night.

I am building a website to help those who are about to drop a couple large on the new High Definition electronics.

Website design has become greatly simplified. Content, well, that's another thing. Soon I will be lurking in the big box retailers and taking in all the blurry pictures so you don't have to. I've been studying the subject for over a year and feel ready to roll. I have a LOT to write.

My domain is registered and a first page - just to be sure it works - is up. I have a program that shows the rank of where you stand on the internet ladder. I am on the 4,005, 531 th rung. Yousah! Nowhere to go but UP!

My good friend says - and he's right - it's just like programming a radio station - you build an audience. (We are both programmers, or have been, for years.) He's right.

I believe I can provide a public service to those who seek information and even maybe just possibly perhaps gee I hope MAKE SOME MONEY.

I won't give out the address yet, not that anybody reads this! You know you are alone on an empty blog when you get an echo off the keyboard.

No matter: writing, I find, is addictive. It's a chance to act out.

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