Wednesday, November 30, 2005

WOW! Google keeps expanding services!

Google has begun testing a new click-to-call service that lets people speak with advertisers on its search results page without having to pick up the phone and dial.

A Web surfer can click a phone icon adjacent to an ad, enter his or her own phone number and then click a "connect for free" button. Google's service calls the advertiser's phone number and when the Web surfer picks up the receiver on his phone, he or she hears ringing as the call to the advertiser is connected, according to a Google Click-to-Call frequently-asked-questions page...

Now every 35 year old guy who still lives with MOM can click on the porn actress' line, "I'LL GET IT, MOM, IT'S FOR ME!"

Seriously, this is great thinking. These Google guys are ahead of the curve!

And Skype too, if you don't have it - is free, easy, and WAY cool. You use your broadband to speak to anyone else on Skype's software (typically there are 4 million users using - on line - at any time!) The kick - it's full fidelity and as if they are in the room with you. Difficult to explain, it's better than telephone by LEAPS and BOUNDS. You need a microphone and speakers - these can be bought for very cheap at Radio Shack or a computer store.


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