Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Our "grinder pump" is down. Last night the alarm light accompanied the sound of gurgling, uh, stuff, leaking out from the receptacle just outside the bedroom. The grinder pump is required by the Lower Colorado River Authority as part of their ecology thing. It 'processes' our wastewater and what ever is in it. Eeeeuuuuww.

Our home builder had the foresight to get the LCRA to inspect it - twice, I believe, so it's fully warranted.

So as I write this there's some guy with a JOB I WOULDN'T WANT, dealing with the buried barrel of sludge. There was the possibility that if everything went wrong, the sludge could back up into the house from the lowest drain or pipe.

Stay close. More on this broken story as it happens.

One more time: EEEeeuuuuuuwwwww!

I will spare you the easy jokes. Let's just say the guy converted on turd down. Oh. No self control. The 3rd grade nun was psychic when she wrote that on my report card!

Well, all's well that ends well. This guy really knew his stuff as he rebuilt the electronics which had become corroded due to a blown valve.

Let the showers begin!

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