Bush in his speech to the country the other night said - the lure of America to Mexican workers, "creates enormous pressure that walls and patrols alone will not stop." He said the best way to reduce illegal immigration is to change the law so more people can enter legally. Huh?
Couldn't you say the same about the so called 'war on drugs?'
Legalize sanely. Control and tax. Free up prisons for more serious offenses. Free up police from pot busts so that they can concentrate on more serious offenses. Crime drops, too. The argument that Marijuana leads to the harder stuff is bogus, especially when controlled. Does speeding at 65 lead to 75, then 85, then, 100? Pot is not addictive. In fact, other than short term memory loss and the munchies, it's pretty darn benign. No, you shouldn't drive impaired. You shouldn't drink and drive. Heck, if you've ever had a cigarette ash fall into your lap while driving in shorts, you know the dangers of smoking while driving!
Imagine the tax revenue! Imagine the savings on the war on drugs! Or spend it on more serious addictive substances... crack, heroin, meth.
Yeah, just try to educate a crack user off crack, or a meth abuser off meth.
In Amsterdam you can legally buy and smoke dope in 'coffee shops.' And Amsterdam continues along without a resultant problem... or none reported. Look it up.
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