Thursday, August 25, 2005


And for the world.

The subject is flatulence. A polarizing subject, admittedly. Men think it's a victory to let a good one rip. Women are disgusted. Men rate the rippers. Women nag about them, "Do you HAVE to do that?" Men experiment with sounds. It's a matter of pride, of accomplishment. Women don't get it.

But NOW high oil prices and givernment subsidies are putting reasearch dollars into renewable energy sources like cow manure. It's only a hop, skip, or rump jump to methane, a byproduct.

A sidebar: A serious new theory holds that vast trapped methane deposits under the Atlantic Ocean in the area of the Bermuda Triangle (yes, that one) are periodically released, and that the BUBBLES change the bouyancy of the water and that's when the ships disappear!

Atlantis had cows!!!

Cattle manure can be used as fuel instead of coal or natural gas to create steam to run turbines, which create electricity. It's a wonderful world.

The Panda Group of Dallas plans to fuel a $120 million ethanol plant set to open next year to realize an energy savings equivalent to 1,000 barrels of oil per day turning manure and cotton gin waste into clean-burning fuel to power the plant.

Okay, so a cowpie is not the same as a good fart (pardon me, ladies.) But as many college students know, Methane does burn. And it's from the same family as biomass -not a distant relative, either.

So, men, next time you let one go and the wife gives you That Look, turn, with a self-satisfied expression and simply say one word; "Research."

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