When we lived outside of Houston we had a 45 mile drive from home to work. or back. Funny how that works. We'd often pass parked roadside trucks with banners on them. "FRESH SHRIMP" for example. Now, this is at least 90 miles from water. In 98 degree heat and 100% humidity. In a metal truck. Never quite could work up the hanker for some "FRESH SHRIMP" out of the back of a truck that shimmered in the waves of mirage-like heat coming off the asphalt. But then a few weeks later we'd see what appeared to be the same truck with another banner "PARROTS." And then weeks later it was back to "FRESH SHRIMP."
"Hey, man, that Parrot seems to be gasping."
"Oh no, he's laughing."
"No, he's gasping. It must be 130 degrees in there, amigo."
"It's okay, the Parrots are from the jungle. They like heat."
"And it smells like dead shrimp."
"No, it's something under the truck or in that ditch."
"I'm tellin' ya that parrot is gasping."
"No, man, he's learning to talk."
Now here in Austin we don't see FRESH SHRIMP or PARROTS FOR SALE but parked in the no parking areas at good intersections we see the RUG ART and ART SALE trucks, unfinished furniture, palm trees and an assortment of other odd stuff.
"Hey excuse me, is this guaranteed?"
"I stand behind everything I sell."
"Yeah but if you didn't, you'd get hit by the traffic."
Everybody is an entrepeneur!
"Excuse me, are these genuine?"
"...at's right! Gen-u-ine Whale Cack."
"But isn't that..."
"But how?"
"Fishermen net it then we dry it and shellac it and then make these lamps."
"But it's cack!"
"Yessir. Look at this floorstanding lamp - ain't that one a beauty?"
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