Friday, February 03, 2006


Did you ever take a test when after you scanned it you got THE SINKING FEELING that you were LOST, just absolutely LOST? I have. That partly explains my 5 years of college in 4 years. The fifth year, summers, all... were in retaking courses I flunked, and in courses for my new major after my initial one proved, uh, not for me.

Today I got THAT SINKING FEELING once more... my internet-marketing-advisors website build is stalled between two service/program providers, neither of which are what I want, exactly, and I don't have the ability to modify their code. (Why?) Because it doesn't reside on my computer - it's on the server, and I'm afraid to go mess with that.

So I E mail the 'customer service' and wait and wait.

There's so much wrong that I can't fix.

I've taught myself many tricks of HTML source code and can usually figure out what needs to be edited. So that boosts my confidence AND frustration when I can't futz the darn margins, content, forms, images, etc.

Soon though. I will not be beaten.

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