8MP. That's right - a new camera with more resolution than I really need. 8 mega-pixels. It's a D-SLR (Digital single lens reflex) which means you don't have to hold the camera and try to compose on a tiny screen, or look through a tiny window at a tiny tv screen like on our other two digital cameras.
I will never use film again.
I have packaged up my complete collection of NIKON film camera and accessories and will probably donate to Goodwill (if they even want it!) At the local big photography store they have dozens of film cameras dirt cheap - on consignment.
I like film, but the convenience factor of unlimited pictures for free can't be topped*. In the attic we have two large boxes crammed with film pictures. How much more useful would several DVDs of same be! That's the future. It's here now.
*In High School I was the yearbook candid photographer. In order to land the lucrative prom and grad picture biz, an enterprising photographer gave the yearbook staff a camera and as much film, as many flashbulbs and all the processing we could use. That was my gig. I'm almost full circle now.
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