Monday, December 12, 2005


I am working feverishly on a new project - a website optimization business. It's amazing how many BAD websites there are - and I'm not being Mister Designer here, I'm talking about websites which are no more than poorly constructed billboards for businesses. They languish largely unseen, either ignoring or violating the principles which determine prominence. Some are built and forgotten. "Websites don't work," is the thought that often follows. That's wrong thinking.

Meanwhile in 2004, 812 million people used the web(Source: Neilsen/NetRatings)
and Consumers spent $117 BILLION online (Source: ComScore)

Clearly this is the hot new medium. I want my piece. I see a need. Once up, I will tout the site and service here fyi. It should only be a matter of days.

I am using a different building program which is HEAD AND SHOULDERS above the one I used on It's better in every way.

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