Sunday, August 07, 2005

LINK-y ding ding

A blog may be a ghost town. You may get the odd jackrabbit passing through, and over there is the cow skull and cactus, and look! A tumbleweed. Or a blog may be a subway station crowded at rush-hour. You just never know. Or at least I don't - I am not ready to find the statistics. In radio I was used to hundreds of thousands of people listening every week - my record was over a million a week. But I write to keep my hand in a creative medium and do what I can.

As I have mentioned earlier, I have been working on a website. The whole website business (and that's what I hope it'll become) is intricate and perhaps much more mature than you might expect unless you've studied it. There are many ways to build traffic (or get nowhere fast.) My website is dedicated to teaching Home Theater to people who don't know much about it except they know high definition looks good and those flat screens are pretty spiffy. But the rest is intimidating or too technical. My guess is this area of info-need (!) will grow and that's what I serve up.

The site will NEVER be finished. There will always be new gear to review, new trends, news, tricks and tips to pass along. Plus, I will never be satisfied and will tweak and tweak and tweak.

I work at it all day most days, and think I'm far enough along to post a link here on the right with my other few suggested links, and declare it up and running.

is the link. Hope you visit and that it's helpful!

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