Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Knowing we'd be virtually cut off, I TiVoed the first 10 minutes of national news each night. I figured if important, it would be covered there, before the commercials. Wow. For days it was CHENEY SHOT THE OLD GUY WHILE HUNTING (an attorney from Austin, btw, for any out of towners.) Then it was CHENEY SILENT ON SHOOTING, LOCAL WOMAN BREAKS NEWS TO PRESS (by CHENEY's request - ?!) Then they seemed to blame the guy he shot for not announcing his presence, then they backed away from that. Finally, CHENEY admitted his awful day and his responsibility.

Color me naive. Bird -- man. Not the same. Bird flies over background you can't see clearly, hold your shot. And don't these guys wear flame orange?

I don't think CHENEY meant to shoot a person. But I think the way he handled the aftermath, and the way he seemed to duck and cover, should at the very least, ban him from Cabellas for life.

This administration apparently thinks wingtips are birds anyway, as they keep shooting themselves in their own feet.

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