Thursday, February 09, 2006


In a few days we will fly to Atlanta, then Puerto Rico then St. Lucia. St. Lucia is patron saint of bald men. We will board a sailboat and sail the warm seas for some days, in search of relaxation.

This is the xxth time we've done same. We are having a time trying to remember all the cruises and sailings. Something like 17, but I'm not sure.

BTW: The house will have someone watching it very closely (maybe from the inside!) so no hi-jinx! He's a good shot.

St. Lucia has what they call the Pitons, two big pointy mountain-like things that look like Madonna earlier in her career, lying on her back.

I am taking the digital camera as my "main" camera with room for 700+ pictures in full size and fine resolution. I may post one or two when we return. Since so much time is spent on the water, I doubt very much there will be the opportunity to even take that many, especially since you can review and erase bad ones... but, inspired by my friend Geoff, who took 1700 shots on his recent large-ship cruise, I will try.

This is our first real vacation in a few years, as all our time was spent looking at cities across the country for the best place to settle down after so many years when jobs pulled us this way and that; nomads, really. Then there were trips to look at the house being built on the lot we bought (for investment or use.) To our great pleasure, it turned out to be use.

Terri is a wonderful organizer. She handles everything and I tag along. I believe she enjoys the search for the right trips while I'm not that much into that part.

This will serve as our 20th wedding anniversary, too, though we'll miss it by two weeks. We surely will count our blessings for having each other!

I'll post something tomorrow, then be off line for a while. Please come back on the 21st as I should be web-cooking again by then.

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