Wednesday, April 05, 2006


(Earth Wind and Fire)

I'll climb out on an AMERICAN IDOL addiction limb.

It's a limb because I can't predict how callers will vote, but, based on last night's performances, to me, the 3 lowest vote getters will be:

Mandisa - sorry - she sure can sing but didn't do a good job PLUS her outfit was extremely unflattering. Since others were so much better, I think she'll be in the bottom (no pun) 3. But as I said, maybe the voters of America are plus sizes and empathize, so who knows? Mandisa is a great GREAT singer, is beautiful, has great spirit, but based on last night, I think she's bottom 3.

Taylor - no spark, no vibe, and to my ear, whined through the song. I like the guy, but... bottom 3. I don't think he'll be the one kicked out though.

Bucky - the production covered his perfromance nicely but if you listened with the volume up, it was just fair. He's never really nailed a performance yet. The others are better. He gets booted.


I was only part right. Mandisa go the boot. Taylor and Bucky were not in the bottom 3. Wish I could figure out how America votes! Next week they do the music of QUEEN. That should be interesting!

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