Monday, May 16, 2005


Our Gated Community Where We Dedicate Ourselves To The Preservation of Nature - or something like that - has offered property owners "An Overview of the Art and Pleasure of Fly Fishing." I once knew a record company rep who would escape everday life for the wilds of standing in a Montana stream as often as he could, and I've seen A River Runs Through It, so am anxious to learn more. I always figured standing in running water would make me want to pee, and then you have to strip off those chest high waders (DON'T YOU???)

The part that slays me is that Fly Casting Techniques will he held on the pond on Hole 6 of the gold course. What a collision of two cultures - the 300 yard booming tee shot with a club head the size of a toaster and the weight of, well, a titanium toaster - and the gentle flick of the hand tied feather of a baby fly dropped gently as if on a breeze, a bug breath of immeasurable energy.

"Discussions and refreshments follow." Hey, did you see that caddy grab his ASS when we hooked that sumbitch? Haw!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next great invention: Cathiter Waders!