Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Somebody asked, "Why do you blog - nobody reads these things." I said, "It's a wiseass outlet." "Why pay retail for wiseass, when you can get it cheap at an outlet?"

I realize few people will find this.

Search engines employ automated spiders - programs that go out to discover content, and, if you use the right words, or have enough links to and from your blog, you get listed. The list, however, could be millions of entries long, and I already know I'm lost in the back, like in grade school. (Maybe the word "lost" will pull up the ABC TV show's fans of LOST, and direct them here, where they too, will be lost.)

Anybody remember The BLOB? A 1958 movie starring, if memory serves ...STEVE McQUEEN? Well, it had nothing to do with Blogging, but it could serve as a good metaphor, as this Blob grew like Kirstie Alley and consumed everything. I find my blog is consuming my thoughts as I have repressed my wiseass for so long while working in corporate America, that it now threatens my waking moments.

I used to capture the CEOs memos where I worked, and rewrite them, adding some necessary wiseass, then quickly delete, for fear of being caught by the VP in Charge of Behavior as we were seriously warned that our E mails would be scruntized by the VP in Charge of Scrutiny.

Once upon a time, I had a co-worker who had 'captured' official letterheads and then issued fake press releases on all sorts of silly things. They were WAY out there. He was brilliant. He nailed press release speak. Eventually the FBI came to explain to him that the joke was over. He stopped. Later, he died in his 40s. Since he was deeply into conspiracy theories, you have to wonder.

I figure wiseass blogging is the adult equivalent of a teenager popping pimples. Sometimes you have to do it.

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