Wednesday, June 22, 2005

All FedExed up.

Have you called FedEx? You get an automation system. It's frustrating. The secret is to say "representative" when the computer pauses for machine breath. Oh, it's a nice simulation, all right, with little human touches, like, "I didn't quite catch what you said, tell me again." "I SAID REP-RE- SENT- TA - TIVE!!!!" "I'm sorry, did you say "rates?" "NOOOO! REPRESENTATIVE." "I'm sorry, I didn't understand. Let's try again." But okay, I am used to that. It's okay to exercise your neck vein-buldge muscle. Really.

I sent a box to California.

Checked on it's progress with my tracking number. FedEx is scan happy. I like that.

Somehow - and this might be a HUGE breakthrough for the World As We Know It (and I have it in writing so it must be true) - the package arrived in Oakland, California, 4 and 1/2 hours BEFORE it left San Antonio, Texas.

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