Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The haunting.

I confess.

I have a guilty pleasure.

It's faking sincerity.

Well, faking is too strong a word. Acting - that's the word I am looking for. For I am... an ac-tor. A specialized VOICE ac-tor. Over the years I have been the friendly guy who told you why the big bank on the corner should be TRUSTED with all your money.

I hawked ice cream. You can't hate me for THAT! Can you? It was good.

You name it - I've probably sold it. (What? You forgot the ExtraCorporeal Lithotripter? That was ME!) I've also put countless people to sleep as they napped on benefit package videos. I did narrations for a ski resort in Utah and an airport in south Africa. Did work for Lexus and Kodak and Kraft and The Playboy Channel. Attorneys. Hospitals. TV shows. Car dealers (okay, no sincerity there... that's more like YELLING.) Uninterruptable Power Supplies (actually 15 minute vignettes for those - among the most creative scripts I have ever seen) in which I portrayed a living, breathing, talking hunk of metal. (That's called RANGE!) Anybody can be a hunk of burning LOVE.

I love it all. It's a burst of adrenaline, a chance to shine, to surprise yourself with a new dimension. The best copy reads like a song. It has air, rhythm, a cadence. You get to find nuance in expression and make it sing.

In the best sessions, you are so much 'in the moment' that you lose your self. That's the peak experience. At that moment, you become alive in another reality. I completely understand what acting on screen must be like. You have to put it out there, be totally uninhibited. Surrender your fear, your insecurity. I suppose it's a form of possession. And the spirit that haunts you is on the page.

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