Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Rodental work

Richard, sworn enemy to pests!

This morning the evidence is unmistakable. There will be no trial. No pajama-wearing defendant dashing to the courthouse. No jury. No testimony. No Jesse Jackson wringing his concerned hands for the media frenzy outside the courtroom. Overnight, two of my $5.37 peaches (see entry below) were GNAWED. We live among rodents.

I will play the M card.

Previously limited to traps in the garage, the little monsters have moved inside. Only yesterday I showed Terri what I thought were mouse turds in the upstairs bathroom, by the baseboard. She said, "no, it couldn't be." She then looked at me accusingly. But the toilet was right there all the time el mouse-o was dumping beside it. Worse than mice, we have UNCIVILIZED mice.

As luck would have it, The mighty RICHARD, GOD of ABC pest control, is scheduled for his quarterly visit today. He'll undoubtedly sign us up for rodent control, and maybe take a nice bonus home. Richard lives for this job. He is a skilled craftsman who seriously puts his poison into every nook and cranny, and takes it personally when a bug breaks through the front lines on six or more legs.

I worry, though. That's ABC pest control. Bugs are Bs. We now have Ms. And Gs, and God forbid, Ss. We are quickly becoming the Hooked On Phonics of pest problems.


Anonymous said...

This is insane. You my friend are quite possibly losing control. Have a good trip!

Bob Wood said...

Of course I am losing control. We all are, just most of us don't know it. At least I have a window seat.