Thursday, June 02, 2005

Muriatic Acid and me

I wish this blog would show pictures, but it won't - at least it won't LATELY. I have hope for a brighter tomorrow. But I try. I fling them out into cyberspace where they will no doubt be discovered by an alien life form at some future junction of dna and binary digits.

We decided not to stain the driveway ourselves (meaning me and/or the builder, who had never done that before, and wanted to be completely absolved to any mistakes or horribles, prior.) Instead, we hired A Professional. He capitalized those letters, not me, as he scolded me for impatience the other day. Scold away, but it didn't rain all day, big guy, and you COULD be done by now.

The funny thing is the builder and I had hazmat suits, breathing apparatii, goggles - no kidding! Leave no skin for the acid stain to etch! Then I chickened out. Too much at stake - a 350 foot turd won't do.

So the Professional guy we hired is here now, alone, with a garden sprayer, in T-shirt, sneakers, and shorts. And he's getting it done.

I wish I could show you the driveway difference - it's like the difference between a Minnesotan winter pale leg, and a Texas summer tan.

By the way, I can decode acid concerete stains for you.

Malay Tan = orange
Golden Wheat = orange
Cola = orange

More to come on this, no doubt, as I'm imagining House Of Wax B movie flesh melting scenes to come.

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